
quinta-feira, dezembro 22, 2005

Plágio no Anime!

Takehiko Inoue processou Yuki Suetsugu por ter plagiado o trabalho deste, mas o mais curioso é que Takehiko Inoue foi processado pela NBA devido a ter roubado cenas das imagens publicadas pela NBA para o seu Anime Slam Dunk!, coloquei a seguir o texto original da notícia (está em Inglês, para verem como foi publicada):

Inoue successfully accused Yuki Suetsugu of ripping off his work, which led to a court ruling a few months ago banning all 25 books making up Suetsugu's "Eden no Hana" series and ordering their recall. Inoue's litigation sent shockwaves through the manga world, but now Inoue is facing accusations that he stole work for "Slam Dunk." "Some of the cuts of players pictured in 'Slam Dunk' are almost identical to the photos of NBA players in basketball magazines. I wouldn't go so far to say that he's done exactly what Suetsugu did and traced other drawings, but there's no doubt he's at least used the photos as a reference," a comic industry magazine's chief editor tells Cyzo. "Considering we're talking about an artist who's sold over 100 million copies here, the effects of being exposed like that could be pretty far-reaching." "Making a bad situation even worse, there's a site from South Korea, a well-known copycat capital, that listed the manga frames from 'Slam Dunk' right beside the photos of NBA players that they are supposed to have been copied from and let the whole world know," a writer specializing in online news tells Cyzo. "This has caused Inoue to lose a whole lot of face."